Thursday, February 24, 2011


Welcome to our new blog, where you can receive news about the organization, upcoming events, tips from NYC Fitness Czar, recent health information about obesity and diabetes, and more!

So who are we??

Body Sculpt of New York, Inc. is a not-for-profit health and fitness organization created in March 1989 by NYC Fitness Czar and President, Vincent Ferguson. Our mission is to educate adults and children about obesity and offer healthy lifestyle alternatives in fitness and nutrition. The organization consists of certified fitness instructors and nutritionists who conduct a wide variety of clinics throughout New York City.The organization provides a variety of services including the Six Weeks to Fitness Program, How to Flatten Your Abs Seminar, and Motivational Speaking.

The Six Weeks to Fitness Program is conducted by certified fitness and nutrition instructors who travel to your company, school, or church 3 days a week for six weeks. The program is designed to increase the participants' overall fitness level by focusing on cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. The How to Flatten Your Abs Seminar is a 2-hour program that includes and hour-long discussion with Mr. Ferguson and one of our nutritionists about guaranteed steps to achieving a flatter stomach and an hour-long fitness class conducted by one of our certified fitness instructors.

The organization is most well known for its annual Children's Sports & Fitness Expo, created in 2004. The Expo serves as a great mechanism to energize communities across the city to regularly practice consistent and varied physical activity as well as good nutrition. Thousands of children participate in over 25 sports clinics, health screenings, and nutrition classes that encourage them, along with their parents, to choose healthier lifestyles.

This year's expo will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2011 at Boys & Girls High School.

So, please, subscribe to our blog and keep up with the latest information of how we're working to eliminate obesity in New York City.

Also, you can "like" us on facebook, and follow us on twitter

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