Monday, April 25, 2011

Recent News: Man on a mission across America, and on Staten Island, too

Published: Monday, April 25, 2011, 6:02 AM
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Blisters punishing his feet and with dehydration a constant threat, Dean Karnazes could easily give up on his 3,000-mile run across America. And no one would blame him.

But the ultramarathoner — whose trek began in California and will end in Manhattan, after taking a turn through Staten Island — never really considers quitting.

He knows the road hazards are minor compared to one of the biggest dangers facing this country: Childhood obesity.

“It’s an epidemic,” Karnazes says, by cell phone about two miles from the Indiana-Ohio border, 53 days into what is expected to be a 75-day trek.

“It’s very important to the future of this country. The healthcare costs are staggering, but even beyond that, the quality of life costs are higher.”

The 48-year-old New York Times best-selling author of “Ultramarathon Man,” set out on his cross-country journey after the producers of ABC’s “Live! with Regis and Kelly” invited him to undertake the challenge to inspire Americans to become more active and healthier.

Officially, the effort is dubbed “Regis & Kelly’s Run Across America with Dean Karnazes.” The show is following his progress on air and on the website,  Read more...

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